Free Audition Monologues for Women and Men

By clicking on either of the links at the bottom of this page you are confirming that you have read, understood & will abide by the terms and conditions outlined below, regarding the use of these monologues for either Audition or Performance.

As a courtesy for this free monologue service we ask that you:


For Audition Use Only:

There is no fee for actors who wish to use any of the monologues published on this site as an audition piece only. However, the use of these monologues for any purpose other than an audition is subject to a royalty. See monologues for performance below:

1. You send an email to Contact Us informing us which monologue you intend to use.

2. At your audition, you clearly credit the title and author(s) of the work you have chosen for your monologue.

For Performance:

The use of these monologues for performance is subject to a royalty under the following conditions:

1. All monologues shown on this site are, and remain, the property of the author(s) listed.

2. If you wish to perform or incorporate one or more of these monologues into a production you must acquire permission in writing from the author(s). Be advised a royalty* may apply depending upon your production circumstances.

3. If a royalty is to be charged, payment in full must be rendered before the performance date.**

4. Whether inquiring about payment or asking permission, send an email to Contact Us and provide the following details; performance date, monologue(s) to be performed (cite the author(s) name(s)), the size of venue and any other information you think might be relevant to your request.

* In some cases, if the situation merits, and solely at the discretion of the author(s) royalties may be waived.

** Written permission, must still be obtained from the author(s) in advance of any rehearsal or production.



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